Polish documents in Belarusian archives - where to search?

The Belarusian archives contain documents confirming the Polish origin of ancestors, such as archived passports, ID cards, registration books, and electoral rolls.

To maximize your chance for a successful search, you should specify all members of the family in question, record their exact or approximate dates of birth, marriage or death, religion (Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, etc.), place of residence, with an indication of modern or historical administrative-territorial division if possible (gubernia/province/region, district, village, etc.), maximum information possible.

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk


Address: ul. Kropotkina, 55, Minsk, 220002, Belarus

Telephone: +375 (17) 317 75 23; 379 76 92

E-mail: niab@niab.by

Website: niab.by/newsite/en

The National Archives of the Republic of Belarus 


Address: Prospect Nezavisimosti, 116, Minsk, 220114, Belarus

Telephone/fax: +375 (17) 272 67 78

E-mail: info@mail.narb.by

Website: http://narb.by

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodno


Address: ul. Gaspadarchaya, 21, 230005, Grodno, Belarus

Telephones: + 375 (152) 60 83 92

E-mail: niab@niab-grodno.by

URL: niab-grodno.by

Regional and local state archives

State Archives of Brest Region ( Brześć ) 


Address: ul. V. Khoruzhey, 15, Brest, 224030, Belarus

Telephone: +375 (162) 34 18 26, fax 34 12 39

E-mail: oblgosarhiv@brest.by

Zonal State Archives in Baranovichi ( Baranowicze ) 


Address: ul. Lisina, 12, Baranovichi, Brest Oblast, 225320, Belarus

Telephone/fax: +375 (163) 65 79 23

E-mail: arhivbrn@brest.by

Zonal State Archives in Kobrin ( Kobryń )


Address: ul. Sovetskaia, 135/G, Kobrin, Brest Oblast, 225304, Belarus

Telephone: +375 (1642) 4 16 78

Fax: +375 (1642) 3 64 09

E-mail: arhivkbr@brest.by

Zonal State Archives in Pinsk ( Pińsk )


Address: ul. Brestskaia, 139, Pinsk, Brest Oblast, 225710, Belarus

Telephone: +375 (165) 64 27 54, fax 64 57 18

E-mail: zonarx@brest.by

State Archives of Grodno Region


Address: ul. Dzerzhinskogo, 84, Grodno, 230005, Belarus
+375 (152) 55 74 57, fax 55 74 53

E-mail: gagr@gagr.by

URL: https://gagr.by

Zonal State Archives in Lida


Address: ul. Pobedy, 63, Lida, Grodno Oblast, 231300, Belarus

Telephone: +375 (154) 65 52 29, 65 52 84, fax 65 52 17

E-mail: Lida_arhiv@mail.ru, Lida_arhiv@mail.Lida.by, lida.arhiv@lidaarhiv.by

Zonal State Archives in Novogrudok (Nowogródek )


Address: ul. Vysokaia, 2 а, Novogrudok, Grodno Oblast, 231400, Belarus

Telephone/fax+375 (1597) 45 8 16

E-mail: novogrudok.archiv@mail.grodno.by, novarchivgovby.by@novarchivgovby.by