Polish documents in Ukrainian archives - where to search?

The Ukrainian archives contain documents confirming the Polish origin of ancestors, such as archived passports, ID cards, registration books, and electoral rolls.

To maximize your chance for a successful search, you should specify all members of the family in question, record their exact or approximate dates of birth, marriage or death, religion (Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, etc.), place of residence, with an indication of modern or historical administrative-territorial division if possible (gubernia/province/region, district, village, etc.), maximum information possible.

Ukrainian archives are among the least accessible in Europe, as archives do not publish their catalogs online, and there is no state program for this. Archives are often overloaded with visitors. Waiting time to access documents in reading room could reach several weeks and occasionally months. Most of the staff speak Ukrainian or Russian only. Some of the Western archives have personnel that can speak Polish. 

State Archival Service of Ukraine

Address: 24 Solomianska Str., Kyiv, 03110

Tel: +380 (44) 275-27-77, 275-26-66

Fax: +380 (44) 275-36-55

E-mail: mail@archives.gov.ua

Web: www.archives.gov.ua

Regional State Archives of Ukraine

The State Archives of Vinnytsia Region ( Winnica )

Address: 17 Soborna Srt., Vinnytsia, 21050 (building 1)

12 Pyrohov Str., Vinnytsia, 21050 (building 2)

Tel./fax: +380 (432) 35-26-01

Tel: +380 (432) 35-03-00

E-mail: archive_vn@arch.gov.ua

Web: davio.gov.ua

The State Archives of Volyn Region ( Wołyń )

Address: 21, Veteraniv Str.,

Lutsk, 43024 (building 1)37a 

Glushets Str., (building 2)

Tel.: +380(332) 71-53-76

E-mail: info@davo.voladm.gov.ua

E-mail: archive_volyn@arch.gov.ua

Web: http://volyn.archives.gov.ua/

The State Archives of Zhytomyr Oblast ( Żytomierz )

Address: 2/20 Ohrimova Hora Str. ( building 1)
3 Samkova Str. (building 2)
Zhytomyr, 10003
Tel./Fax: 380(412) 42-48-00, 42-60-61
E-mail: archive_zt@arch.gov.ua

The State Archives of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast ( Stanisławów )

Address: 42a Sahaidachnyi Str.,
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76007
Tel./Fax: +380(3422) 4-90-77; 6-38-16, 6-34-03
E-mail: archive_if@arch.gov.ua

The State Archives of Lviv Oblast ( Lwów )

Address: 13 Pidvalna St., Lviv, 79008
Tel./Fax: +380(32) 272-78-70
Tel: +380(32) 235-47-75, 235-55-49, 235-47-22, 235-53-50
E-mail: archive_lviv@arch.gov.ua

The State Archives of Rivne Oblast ( Równe )

Address: 26-a Stepan Bandera Str.
Rivne, 33014 (building 1)
8 Kavkazka St. Rivne, 33013 (building 2)
Tel. +380(362) 23-42-61
E-mail: archive_rv@arch.gov.ua